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Import timetables in OpenTrack

OpenTrack comes with interfaces to import timetable from third-party systems. However, certain properties must still be added manually in OpenTrack. OpenTrackHub saves time by detecting those data automatically in an intelligent way. OpenTrackHub also supports you  in creating the simulation model by displaying which topology elements are used by timetable.


OpenTrackHub Scheme


OpenTrackHub ScreenshotFeatures

  • Import timetable from third-party systems
    (e.g. Viriato, HAFAS, FBS)
  • Intelligent detection / creation of itineraries
  • Rule-based detection of rolling stock and driving dynamics
  • Analysis of OpenTrack topology (missing, unused elements and routes)
  • Determination of connections



Current program version: 2.3
Supported by OpenTrack since version 1.6
Timetable formats: railML 1.1 / 2.0, HAFAS

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